Welcome to
Alice's Southern Comfort
A Southern Creole Experience

Established in 2019, Alice’s Southern Comfort features savory filé gumbo and rich southern dishes with an array of traditional ingredients. It also features luscious desserts and sweets made simply and with the touch of homemade. Alice made it a point to share her love of cooking from the comforts of home. Her Granddaughter and great grandsons are continuing to keep her memory alive by serving her rich and delicious comfort food for the culture and community.
As Grandma would say, "come sit a spell."
P.O. Box 92438 Pasadena, CA 91109 | 626.676.7404 | info@alicesgumbo.com
Kimberly is chef and owner of Alice’s Southern Comfort. Alice’s Southern Comfort features savory filé gumbo and rich southern dishes that feel like the comforts of back home. Kimberly credits her grandmother Alice for her love of cooking, affection for southern/creole cuisine and commitment to giving back. At the very young age of 5, Kimberly learned how to make her first roux standing at the hip of her grandmother who hailed from Lettsworth, Louisiana. She learned very quickly that there were no shortcuts in making this southern tradition. Subsequent years of watching and learning, Kimberly found her wings in the kitchen.
Kimberly is a contributing author to California Mosaic, a cookbook that celebrates the food and mosaic diversity throughout Southern California. This led her to open her first culinary adventure, UpTown Sweet Spot – A Premiere Dessert Company. Established in 2011, Uptown Sweet Spot - A Premiere Dessert Co. featured southern desserts, decadent cookies, bars and sweets made simple with fresh and locally sourced ingredients. She featured her grandmother’s famous Lemon Rounds and Caramel Pecan Turtles.
Currently, you can find Kimberly developing her next cookbook, non-profit consulting, cooking up a storm with her two sons, Vincent & Benjamin and their two dogs, Jack Jack and Gizmo. All in the name of love for Grandma Alice.